Yellow Shoes x
Group Workshops
We love our workshops with underrepresented groups and witnessing the change in confidence and surge of collective support that happens as a result of spending time validating a common story and seeing the power of living it in new ways. Yellow Shoes has experience of designing and delivering these for future leaders, societal groups fighting stigma and female leaders in search of their strengths.
Options Available
For Your Organisation
The benefits of taking time out with a group of people that get what you're going through cannot be underestimated.
A space to say anything and not be judged and the wonderful, tension-relieving realisation that others feel exactly the same way. But this isn't just a sharing circle. Yellow Shoes tailors a programme to your company's needs. We can dissect what your data and surveys are really telling you and create a course that enables your amazing team to change the things that are holding them back into the things that make them fly.
Led by Jennie and her business partners, selected to best suit your organisation and style, courses range from one day virtual workshops to year-long programmes.
We'll brings bags of experience in leadership of multiple organisations, the principles of our signature Athenaship programme and accredited international coaching practices.
For Your Community
At Yellow Shoes we work with groups of people that are connected by a common struggle but feel disconnected or underrepresented in the wider world.
This can lead to loneliness, loss of identity, lack of confidence and even depression and anxiety. We provide a safe space to begin the journey towards being able to see the struggle as something that can provide strength.
Together we work through embedding new perspectives and a sense of contentment with who they are both individually and collectively. From there we co-create a vision of the future and begin an action plan.
Co-managed with a member of the group Yellow Shoes is hosting, these sessions can be held virtually over a day, or as a two-day retreat to allow for more time to explore a range of tools and 1:1 coaching .